SG PACIFIC GULL, IMO 9742883, Tug Vessel, MMSI 563057300

  • Flag: SG
  • Class: A
  • Tug
  • Under way

ETA: Oct 27, 16:00
Unknown Departure Location
ATD: n.a.

  • Summary
    The vessel PACIFIC GULL is a Tug Vessel and it is registered using (MMSI 563057300, IMO 9742883) and operating under country flag of Singapore.

    The current position of ship is (Latitude 14.513652, Longitude -17.923530) and it was last updated at (Oct 17, 2023 03:06 UTC and 1 year ago). The ship is in Under way using engine navigation status, it is sailing at speed of 9.4 knots, its course is 178.1 ° and draught is 5.4 meters. The current destination of this vessel is LUBA E.G. and it will arrive at Oct 27, 16:00.

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Note: The details about this vessel is available for information/research purposes only without warranties of any kind. Check more details on this page: Privacy Policy / Terms of Use

Vessel General Information

PACIFIC GULL - General details about this ship.

Vessel Capacity Information

PACIFIC GULL, IMO 9742883, Tug Vessel, MMSI 563057300 - Details about the capacity and size of this vessel.

Vessel Classification Information

PACIFIC GULL - Classification details about this vessel.

Classification 1: IACS - International Association of Classification Societies

Vessel Previous Names

PACIFIC GULL, IMO 9742883, Tug Vessel, MMSI 563057300 - List of names used in the past by this vessel.

# Name Year
No previous names found

Port Calls / Destination Changes

PACIFIC GULL, IMO 9742883, Tug Vessel, MMSI 563057300 - List of destinations used by vessel.

Following are the details about the destinations reported by this vessel in the last one month.

Port Name / Destination Last Updated ETA
No port calls

Similar Vessels

PACIFIC GULL - Vessels having similar size and type characteristics like this vessel.

List of vessels which are similar to this ship.

Ship Name Size Draught
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92 / 22 m -

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568 / 61 m -
MMSI 212049322
Tug Vessel
426 / 32 m -
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861 / 60 m -
U1F)+4ZDP>8JV&/%MDTS, Tug Vessel
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710 / 57 m -
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220 / 70 m 3.4 m
297 / 83 m -
K5JO^A SQ3)N7( !, Tug Vessel
MMSI 534579564, IMO 12445461
314 / 41 m 4.5 m