GB MMSI 232036897, Pleasure Craft Vessel

  • Flag: GB
  • Class: A
  • Pleasure Craft
  • Under way

Unknown Destination
ETA: n.a.
Unknown Departure Location
ATD: n.a.

  • Summary
    The vessel is a Pleasure Craft Vessel and it is registered using (MMSI 232036897) and operating under country flag of United Kingdom.

    The current position of ship is (Latitude 39.529902, Longitude 2.566008) and it was last updated at (Apr 8, 2024 09:52 UTC and 10 months ago). The ship is in Under way using engine navigation status, it is sailing at speed of 0.0 knots, its course is 360.0 °.

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Note: The details about this vessel is available for information/research purposes only without warranties of any kind. Check more details on this page: Privacy Policy / Terms of Use

Vessel General Information

General details about this ship.

Vessel Capacity Information

MMSI 232036897, Pleasure Craft Vessel - Details about the capacity and size of this vessel.

Vessel Classification Information

Classification details about this vessel.

No classification information available for this vessel.

Vessel Previous Names

MMSI 232036897, Pleasure Craft Vessel - List of names used in the past by this vessel.

# Name Year
No previous names found

Port Calls / Destination Changes

MMSI 232036897, Pleasure Craft Vessel - List of destinations used by vessel.

Following are the details about the destinations reported by this vessel in the last one month.

Port Name / Destination Last Updated ETA
No port calls

Similar Vessels

Vessels having similar size and type characteristics like this vessel.

List of vessels which are similar to this ship.

Ship Name Size Draught
BARBARA, Pleasure Craft Vessel
MMSI 21574176, IMO 63206389
88 / 14 m 4.0 m
RIO, Pleasure Craft Vessel
MMSI 741535088, IMO 9851024
62 / 12 m 3.2 m
SUMMER FUN, Pleasure Craft Vessel
MMSI 319698988
30 / 7 m 0.0 m
REEF CHIEF, Pleasure Craft Vessel
MMSI 319270064, IMO 19074852
49 / 8 m 2.5 m
VOLARE, Pleasure Craft Vessel
MMSI 271045786
35 / 7 m 2.5 m
JACOZAMI, Pleasure Craft Vessel
MMSI 756087776, IMO 9966740
50 / 9 m 2.6 m
LEISTEIN, Pleasure Craft Vessel
MMSI 912577628
100 / 10 m 0.0 m
MIZU, Pleasure Craft Vessel
MMSI 311001240, IMO 1008207
53 / 8 m 2.8 m
PATHOS, Pleasure Craft Vessel
MMSI 240045800, IMO 8793734
39 / 8 m 3.0 m
PORTOFINO, Pleasure Craft Vessel
MMSI 377245000, IMO 1073741823
36 / 8 m 2.5 m